The Pentaholic Choir
Will you ever make another video?
Yes, as of June 2015, we announced our On My Way Home project. Check our "How it works" page for details on how to join!
Can anyone be a part of the Pentaholic Choir?
Yes! This is open to any fans of Pentatonix regardless of age, country, etc.
Can I submit more than one voice part for the project? Or can I do a singing video and a clapping video?
While we would love to allow participants to submit multiple videos, we would prefer that you stick to one to keep our audio editor’s job to a minimum. Processing all of the submissions is extremely time consuming and we want to make sure we get the video done quickly and efficiently. We hope you understand, and thanks so much for participating!
I can't decide between Kirstin and Mitch's part. Which do you need more of?
We can't really gauge how many of each part we will receive, but in the end it doesn't really matter because we can adjust volumes and balance (we didn't realize that during the Run to You project, which is why the sign-up process was a little weird). Choose which part seems more fun to you! The same goes for choosing between Scott and Avi, etc.
I can't open the PDF of the sheet music on mobile.
Send us an email at and we will attach it in our reply.
Did Pentatonix see the "Run to You" video?
Yes! You can read some of their reactions here.
Who's behind this?
Many Pentaholics had been talking about this idea for ages, but it finally became a reality when the owners of the Pentatonix fan blogs PTXblog and BassCannonKaplan decided to team up with other Pentaholics to create a special video for Pentatonix to celebrate all that they have accomplished.
Currently, we are headed by an amazing team consisting of several Pentaholics including Monique, Abby, Taylor, and Alexei.
Questions Regarding Run To You
Why Run To You?
As Avi Kaplan has said, "I really want to hear a choir sing this."
Why do we need to pick two sections?
Since we want all those who sign up to be able to participate, we need to have two options to use in case their is a disproportionate number of participants.
How do I decide which voice part is best for me?
Here are the piano-only tracks for Run To You which you can preview to help you decide!
What programs were used to create the video?
The audio track was made with Adobe Audition and the video was made with Pinnacle Studio.
My question was not answered here.
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